Call for Nominations for the 4th Edition of AfricanDefenders’ Shield Awards AfricanDefenders is pleased to announce the launch of the call for nominations for the 4th Edition of the AfricanDefenders’ Shield Awards which aims at honoring HRDs from regions across Africa who have contributed to changes...

NGO Forum statement   [dflip id="25319" ][/dflip]   Interventions at ACHPR73 Human Rights Situation in Africa   [dflip id="25360" ][/dflip] Activity Report of the Chairperson of the Working Group on Extractive Industries, Environment, and Human Rights Violations in Africa [dflip id="25367" ][/dflip] Statement on the situation of human rights defenders in Africa [dflip id="25376" ][/dflip] Activity Report...

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS TO JOIN THE EAST AFRICA WOMEN HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS NETWORK(EAWHRDN) The East Africa Women Human Rights Defenders Network (hereafter: Network) is pleased to announce the launch of the call for applications for women human rights defenders from Eritrea, Somalia, Burundi, and Djibouti to...