In a civil society call made public ahead of the UN Human Rights Council’s 45th session (14 September-6 October 2020), AfricanDefenders, DefendDefenders and more than 40 partners urge States to support the renewal of the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) on Burundi. The signatories highlight that the CoI remains the only independent mechanism mandated to document human rights vio­la­tions and abuses, monitor, and publicly report on the situation in the country, and that chan­ging political realities do not amount to meaningful human rights progress. The civil society letter outlines the grave human rights violations committed in Burundi since 2015 in a context of near-com­plete im­pu­nity. Despite calls on the new Burundian President, Éva­riste Nda­yishimiye, to de­mon­strate his openness to reconciliation by releasing all detained human rights defenders (HRDs), Ger­main Ru­kuki, Nestor Nibitan­ga, and Iwacu reporters Egide Hare­rima­na, Christine Ka­mi­kazi, Te­rence Mpo­zenzi and Agnès Ndi­ru­busa, re­main in detention. As Burundi is in a period of potential transition, following the 20 May 2020 presidential, legislative and local elections and after the pass­ing of former President Nkurunziza, there are signs of promise as well as of significant concern, the signatories write. Tangible progress is yet to be registered regarding priority areas for action, including the fight against poverty, the fight against impunity, reform of the judicial system, the re-opening of the democratic space (including a safe and enabling environment for civil society), and cooperation with international and African human rights mechanisms. At this time, as uncertainty remains, the best chance to achieve meaningful change is through the renewal of the mandate of the CoI, as well as the Burundian authorities re­initiating dialogue with the international community, the letter concludes – and the best way to do this is by making measurable progress on key indicators. [button size='' style='' text='Read the Letter in English' icon='fa-book' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='center' margin='']

75% of Africa’s population is below 35, yet young people rarely get a seat at the table where their future is shaped: there is a democratic deficit when it comes to youth representation in decision-making. Yet, young people can be true catalysts for change. Sudan’s...

A podcast series on African human rights defenders in exile   “If you have to leave, leave. But refuse to keep quiet. Silencing you is what all oppressive regimes want. Don’t stop defending others because you are outside your country. Defending others is defending ourselves.”  Interview with an...



“Exile Shall Not Silence Us” - A podcast series on African human rights defenders in exile

AfricanDefenders launched on World Refugee Day 2020, a podcast series entitled “Exile Shall Not Silence Us.” Based on the collected testimonies of over 120 exiled human rights defenders (HRDs), in-depth case studies and featuring interviews with four exiled HRDs, the podcast series highlights the professional, security, socio-economic, and psychosocial challenges of HRDs in exile in Africa, but most of all their achievements and resilience strategies.  

[button size='medium' style='' text='Listen to the episodes here' icon='' icon_color='' link='' target='_self' color='' hover_color='' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='' hover_background_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='' margin='']

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