75% of Africa’s population is below 35, yet young people rarely get a seat at the table where their future is shaped: there is a democratic deficit when it comes to youth representation in decision-making. Yet, young people can be true catalysts for change. Sudan’s...
Historically, academic institutions have played a crucial role in fostering peaceful activism, which is especially important as civic space is shrinking across the globe and human rights defenders (HRDs) continue to face threats and repression. Universities can provide HRDs with a neutral space for exchange,...
Oral statements delivered by AfricanDefenders and DefendDefenders at the 66th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights which was held online for the first time because of the global pandemic COVID-19 (ACHPR66, 13 July 2020-7 August 2020) Item 3: Human Rights Situation...
A podcast series on African human rights defenders in exile “If you have to leave, leave. But refuse to keep quiet. Silencing you is what all oppressive regimes want. Don’t stop defending others because you are outside your country. Defending others is defending ourselves.” Interview with an...
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