21 September, 2020
International Peace Day 2020
Today is #PeaceDay2020. September is also #AfricaAmnestyMonth. 80% of all small arms in Africa are in the hands of civilians – almost four times as many as state actors. And small arms cause more deaths than bombs, grenades or mines in Africa – the more wide-spread small arms are, the more likely armed conflict becomes. This month, amnesty is granted to those who surrender illegal weapons – an effort by the African Union to #silencetheguns.
But peace is not just the absence of conflict. Peacebuilding aims for profound societal changes to develop constructive relationships across ethnic, religious, class, national, and racial boundaries. On International Peace Day, we want to highlight the work of two HRDs that contribute to peacebuilding in their communities. Read what they have to say on the relationship between peace and human rights.
- International Peace Day
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