28 April, 2020
Cameroon: Reseau Des Defenseurs Des Droits Humains En Afrique Centrale’s statement on the massacres in Ngarbuh
This statement was first posted by Reseau Des Defenseurs Des Droits Humains En Afrique Centrale
The President of the Republic of Cameroon, who had promised that light would be shed on the massacres that had taken place in Ngarbuh, Donga-Mantung department in the north-western region of Cameroon, had indeed set up a commission of inquiry which had just made its findings public.
The Government of Cameroon acknowledges the responsibility of certain elements of the Cameroonian army in these abuses.
It should be noted that on 10 March 2020, after verification and cross-checking, including rigorous investigations on the ground, we concluded that certain Cameroonian soldiers were responsible for these massacres. After issuing a public statement that showed that it was indeed the military who were behind these massacres and calling for the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry, we were subjected to all kinds of humiliation, death threats and, most seriously, we were accused of being in the pay of enemies from outside who, in exchange for funding, were receiving false, truncated and biased reports from us.
We are very proud that history and the truth prove us right today. We have only done our duty, working for the justice of the voiceless.
We will continue to advocate tirelessly so that the rule of law, respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, justice and human security are a norm and not an exception in Central African countries.
Congratulations to all human rights organisations at the national, regional and international levels, journalists, political activists, the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms, the clergy, the Human Rights Commission of the Bar Association, the traditional authorities of these North-Western localities, the media and journalists, who have, as one, raised their voices against these massacres and heinous crimes.
We must continue to document in order to firmly and systematically condemn all forms of human rights violations, abuses and serious human rights crimes against the population, whatever their origin, perpetrators and circumstances.
The search for just and peaceful societies for sustainable development must always be our leitmotif.
To all those who have supported us during these difficult times, we reiterate our sincere thanks.
Allow us here to congratulate the impartiality and independence of the Commission set up by the Head of State, without which such courageous conclusions could not have been presented. We extend our sincere congratulations to the Commission for the competence and diligence with which it has dealt with this matter.