Who can apply for the Africa HRD Fund?

Any human rights defender (HRD) at risk, threatened or persecuted for their work. Risks or threats should be a direct consequence of the HRD’s human rights work, and HRDs should be able to provide clear documentation of their work and of the risks faced.

“Human rights defenders are people who, individually or with others, act to promote or protect human rights through peaceful action.”

How to Apply?

Complete the Online Hub Cities: Africa HRD Fund Application form available below, and send it to [email protected], attaching all the required documents. To allow us to swiftly work on your case, please provide all the information required with details. If you are unable to submit the application, someone can do so on your behalf.

Our organisation is regulated by confidentiality and non-discrimination, and all information will
be treated confidentially.

Evaluation process

  • The Secretariat of AfricanDefenders will review your application in collaboration with our sub-regional networks, national coalitions of human rights defenders, and focal points in the country you reside;

  • Our local partners will get in touch with your referees for verification of the case;

  • You will be contacted and informed of the result of the assessment as soon as the application has been processed.

The swiftness of the process depends on the information provided as well as on the availability of your reference persons. As the process may take some time, we encourage you to investigate other opportunities for support while waiting.

Placement is decided on a case by case basis according to considerations such as the risk faced by the applicant, opportunities for integration and personal development in the Hub Cities, available funding, and the legal and administrative framework of the host country, including  immigration requirements. Relocation should be a measure of last resort once HRDs have exhausted possible internal remedies.